Aatrox Build Guides, Runes and Items, League of Legends

 Aatrox is a formidable champion in League of Legends, known for his immense sustain, crowd control, and high damage output. He's a versatile champion that can be played in multiple roles, primarily as a top laner or a jungler. Let's break down everything you need to know about Aatrox, including his abilities, items, runes, combos, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses.

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Aatrox is a fighter with a focus on sustained damage and disruption. He thrives in prolonged engagements where he can utilize his abilities to deal consistent damage while sustaining himself through his passive and lifesteal. Aatrox's kit allows him to dive into the enemy team, disrupt their formation, and deal significant damage to multiple targets.


  1. Deathbringer Stance (Passive):

    • Aatrox's abilities apply a stack of Deathbringer Stance for 3.5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching 5 stacks, Aatrox's next basic attack is empowered, gaining bonus damage and range.
    • Additionally, when Aatrox is below 50% health, he gains increased attack speed.
  2. The Darkin Blade (Q):

    • Aatrox swings his greatsword in a semi-circular motion, dealing physical damage to enemies hit.
    • Can be charged up to increase the range and damage of the ability.
    • Hitting the outer edge of the ability deals bonus damage and knocks up enemies.
  3. Infernal Chains (W):

    • Aatrox slams his sword into the ground, creating a chain that, after a brief delay, pulls the first enemy hit towards him.
    • If the enemy is pulled into the center of the ability, they are briefly immobilized and take additional damage.
  4. Umbral Dash (E):

    • Aatrox dashes in a target direction, gaining bonus attack damage for a short duration.
    • Enemy champions hit by Umbral Dash are slightly knocked up.
  5. World Ender (R) (Ultimate):

    • Aatrox unleashes his true demonic form, gaining increased movement speed, bonus attack damage, and the ability to revive upon taking fatal damage during the ultimate's duration.
    • While World Ender is active, Aatrox's abilities gain increased range and have no resource cost.
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Aatrox benefits from items that provide a balance of attack damage, cooldown reduction, and survivability. Here are some core items for Aatrox:

  1. Black Cleaver: Provides attack damage, cooldown reduction, and armor shred, synergizing well with Aatrox's kit.
  2. Death's Dance: Offers attack damage, cooldown reduction, and lifesteal, enhancing Aatrox's sustain and survivability in fights.
  3. Sterak's Gage: Grants bonus health and a shield when taking significant damage, making Aatrox harder to burst down.
  4. Guardian Angel: Provides attack damage and a revive passive, further enhancing Aatrox's survivability and allowing him to dive into fights more aggressively.


For Aatrox, Precision and Domination are the primary rune trees, offering sustain, damage, and utility. Here's a suggested rune setup:

  1. Precision:

    • Keystone: Conqueror
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Tenacity
    • Last Stand
  2. Domination:

    • Taste of Blood
    • Ravenous Hunter


Aatrox's combos revolve around chaining his abilities together to maximize damage and crowd control. Here's a basic combo:

  1. Engage Combo:
    • Start with E (Umbral Dash) to close the gap.
    • Follow up with Q (The Darkin Blade) to knock up enemies.
    • Use W (Infernal Chains) to pull enemies back if they try to escape.
    • Continue dealing damage with basic attacks and Q while weaving in auto-attacks to maximize passive stacks.


  1. Lane Bullying: Aatrox can dominate the laning phase with his sustain and high damage output. Abuse his early-game strength to pressure opponents and deny them farm.
  2. Split Pushing: Aatrox excels in split pushing due to his wave clear and dueling potential. Push side lanes while keeping an eye on the minimap to join team fights when needed.
  3. Team Fighting: In team fights, position yourself to hit multiple enemies with your abilities. Utilize your ultimate to dive into the backline and disrupt key targets while soaking up damage for your team.


  1. Strong laning phase.
  2. High sustain and dueling potential.
  3. Versatile playstyle, can be played as a bruiser or a diver.
  4. Excellent crowd control with knock-ups and pulls.
  5. Can snowball and carry games if ahead.


  1. Vulnerable to crowd control and kiting.
  2. Reliant on hitting skill shots to maximize damage.
  3. Weak when behind due to lack of defensive options.
  4. High cooldowns early game, susceptible to being punished if abilities are on cooldown.
  5. Can struggle against mobile champions with high burst damage.

Mastering Aatrox requires practice and understanding of his abilities, matchups, and power spikes. Experiment with different builds, runes, and playstyles to find what works best for you in different situations. With experience, you'll be able to unleash the full potential of the Darkin Blade and dominate the Rift as Aatrox.

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